Paragliding at Tower Hill this October (2014)

Hi All,

Emil  takeoff

Being the first month of paragliding after a long monsoon season (June to October ) the winds in October take a while to settle in before the flying gets to its optimum and Tower Hill shows her true flying colors. But this season the wind gods decided to be  more benevolent and as a result the flying at Tower Hill was rocking all of October

Not sure if this had anything to do with our friend and student Emil Kaminski who learnt to fly with us a few years ago and has been coming back for his flying fix  at least once a year since. His facebook  posts and boasts of the fantastic conditions and all the fun at the site and the guesthouse had many local pilots turning up to gauge for themselves and make the most of it all

I have copied some of his happy flying facebook posts as well as pictures highlighting the fun and his frolicking on and off the hill.


Emil soars at Tower Hill

Emil Kaminski soaring at Tower Hill

Emil KaminskiOctober 17 at 5:26pm ·

 I took off from a mountaintop today, flew around under a Scotsman’s paraglider for 45 minutes, then landed on that same mountain top. Then repeated this 5 more times, then landed at the bottom of the mountain. Then there was chocolate cake. I’d say, a reasonably perfect day.

— with Ravi Shelar and 9 others.


Emil's tryst with the birds

Emil’s tryst with the birds

Joined by a bird of prey, in flight, for good 20-30 minutes. The thing was incredibly interested in my left wingtip (and possibly the fluffy ears of my headgear), and just wouldn’t leave, no matter how spastic my flying was. The serenity was only ruined by Dwane Fernandes who informed me over the radio that I am a f@#king idiot for not bringing my GoPro… Guilty as charged.

Fun times at Tower Hill

Fun times at Tower Hill


Hope you have had fun – we definitely did

Peace Bliss & Happy Landings

Astrid & Sanjay Rao