It’s Shelar time!

Another crazy week gone by at Nirvana Adventures and the madness continues. I can’t believe I’ve been here 5 months already and now I’m struggling to make the most of it (every second spent in the hammock counts!). But the wind gods have favoured me in this aspect and have had some amazing flying days at Shelar, and the forecast continues to look good.

Finally a 'Happy Landing'

Finally a ‘Happy Landing’

Meanwhile, Michael is back and Native Place with a new wing and the same enthusiasm. Although, the new Ozone Swift makes sure he is doubly careful with his packing while the rest of us wait on patiently.
Packing packing?

Packing packing?

While we don’t need an excuse to party at the guesthouse, this week we actually had a legitimate reason. Rao’s birthday was celebrated the Native Place way, with fireworks and dancing and a bunch of crazy folks. The party continued for a few days, but, what happens at Native Place, stays at Native Place.
The mad-hatters

The mad-hatters

Spring is almost here making the guesthouse bloom with life. Trees and plants are in flower everywhere and birds don’t stop chirping. Make sure you spend enough time in the garden when you are here next and tell us what all you spot. Drongos, bulbuls, caucals, bee-eaters, they’re everywhere. And my personal favourite is the sunbird who has decided to build it’s nest right outside the office.
Hoping to see baby sunbirds

Hoping to see baby sunbirds

As the days get longer, the sunsets get better and more vivid. What better way to see a sunset then from the top of Shelar? Hope to see you guys back here soon (and share some sundowners as well!).