Tandem Paragliding with Nirvana Adventures




I did a tandem flight with Nirvana Pilot Ganesh Shinde on the weekend. I was flying tandem after 10 long years. Felt strange not to have the controls in my hands. Was an interesting flight – very few people in the air as the wind speeds had reduced considerably and pilots were finding it difficult to stay up.

1-DSCN6279We cruised about the sky and along the ridge scouting all the raptor nesting holes in the cliffs but had no sightings of any nests or nesting birds. Saw a lone raptor in the sky but it was too far away for to make identification.

1-DSCN6278 - CopyFollowed Club Pilot Victor Bouffier around for a while taking pictures of his yellow glider. The colour stands out nicely against the sun bleached grassy hillsides of the Shelar Paragliding site. Flew on until sunset, watched the sun dip on the horizon, the colours of sky change dramatically and then it was time to touchdown.

1-DSCN6317Peace Bliss & Happy Landings

Astrid Rao