Happy Holi everyone and hopefully the effects of the festival have finally worn off (you know what I’m talking about). In the week leading up to Holi, Native Place had a few of our favourite…
Parawaiting Pros
While I’ve been at Native Place, I’ve realized that one thing I’ve definitely become a pro at, is parawaiting. And of course some people are better at it than others. New games, new friendships and…
And on the 7th day she flew
Saturday the weather was exceptionally good and pilots gained enough altitude to leave the hill and head for home. Ravi, Bandya, Sandeep, Doc Pathak (yes he is in the house) and our very own 16 year’ old Sunith Rao braved the instability and got all the way back to Govitri the nearest village to Native Place
Heavy Clouds No Rain
We could read it in the clouds and smell it on the breeze yet we looked up at the sky in vain… heavy clouds but no rain. The shower bypassed us to shed its load elsewhere teasing us with that familiar haunting smell of drenched earth.
Flying Stargazing and a Village Wedding at Nirvana
Full on crazy dancing was the order of the night and every one let their hair down, jumped into the fray and kicked up a dust. After the street dancing the party moved back to Native Place where singing continued till the wee hours